If you have a mobile device, chances are you’ve probably gotten an unwanted text or SMS before. They are unavoidable, ranging from unsolicited advertising to ‘special’ marketing promotions. In the end, it makes you ask how your number was made available to this person. Even worse, when customers find out a company they are affiliated with is doing this, a common knee-jerk reaction is to stop being a customer altogether.

Continue reading “Mobile SMS Secrets: Strategies for Success”

In a recent article by The Financial Brand, Alex Kreger describes the complexities of banking for a Millennial customer. It is important to consider this age group, argues Kreger, as it is estimated that before 2025 Millennials will control $7 trillion in global assets.

Continue reading “How to Design a Millennial Bank”

In an article by Tim Fujita-Yuhas of The Financial Brand, the author highlights some staggering statistics concerning text message usage by mobile banking customers. For example, “64% of millennials prefer text messages to voice for customer service.” The Financial Brand also notes how “77% of millennials look favorably on companies that offer text messaging communications.”

Continue reading “Make Mobile Messaging Part of Your Communications Plan”

OpenMarket did a great job of explaining the simplicity of bank text messaging. Beginning first with a brief overview of what different text banking messages look like and explaining the different functionality available to these financial organizations.

Continue reading “How SMS Increases Convenience for Banking Customers”

In 2012, cell-phone usage was beginning to peak and was quickly becoming one of the most important tools for marketing. Text messaging, especially, was showcasing its versatility and abundance. Unfortunately for some companies, such as Jiffy Lube, little research was done into opt-in text messaging solutions before deploying to their customer base. This article highlights exactly what can happen if precautions are not taken to respect customer wishes regarding opt-in texting.

Continue reading “SMS Marketing Case Study: Avoid Jiffy Lube’s Costly Mistake”

In the fast-moving world of financial technology, better known as fintech, determining whether or not a partnership makes sense is a challenge in itself. This is particularly true when you are considering a collaboration with a text messaging vendor.

Continue reading “Text Messaging Vendor Checklist: Four Questions to Ask”

The benefits of having text message services for banking are real. Not only does it provide a direct channel of communication “à la” SMS but it can also connect more people to your organization’s brand, fostering a deeper sense of customer loyalty.

Continue reading “SMS Opt-in for Banking: How to Opt-in Users for Text Messaging?”

Text messaging functionality is quickly being adopted by financial institutions seeking to better serve their customers. Once deployed, these leading businesses see it as an invaluable communication tool. However, it is important to understand the do’s and don’t when it comes to text messaging regulation.

Continue reading “FCC Rules & Regulations on Text Messaging: Understanding TCPA”

In a recent article, Nichole Wong delves into the expanding world of text messaging for banking. Wong also points out some surprising differences between email and text marketing.

Continue reading “How to Improve Customer Experience with SMS Banking”

Shep Hyken of Forbes points out several ‘frightening statistics’ in the world of customer service — something that all leading businesses must master at one point or another. In his piece, Hyken’s focuses less on the impact of customer retention and more on the monetary impact of poor customer service.

Continue reading “Why Poor Customer Service Costs Billions and How to Fix it”